Role// Designer Year// 2018 Medium// Print
See Sackville's Sights is a historical, self guided tour and brochure I developed and designed during the summer of 2019, while working as a tour guide at the tourist bureau in my hometown. The brochure highlights specific buildings and areas around the small town of Sackville, New Brunswick. Complete with ten exciting stops along the tour, the little booklet also includes an illustrated map that showcases each location.
As the lead for the entire project, I began by researching specific locations around town that had quite a bit of historical value. As a small town that has a lot of history spread across a very large radius, my first task to narrow the scope of research. By mapping out the locations, I chose an area of town that seemed to have the most stops condensed within walking distance.

Once I had gathered enough information from each location, I began to mockup potential layouts.

After testing both layouts with potential users, most preferred the layout of mockup 1. The size of the booklet proved to be more appealing. Tourists didn't have to constantly flip the brochure over to check and see where the next stop was located on the map. Additionally, the locations were condensed over two pages instead of four. Overall, version one was more efficient and effective for users touring around town.
Design Choices
I made many of my decisions for the design of the brochure based off of the town's existing branding, while still working to make it stand out and look a bit different.
Next, before even beginning to design, I created a board to gather inspiration. I settled on creating something simple, and monochrome. The fonts would be similar to those in Sackville's logo and the colour would be a shade of green, so as not to stray too far from the town's branding.

Each location was drawn in detail to ensure that they could help tourist recognize the landmarks around town. I drew ten, one for every stop, making sure to include the important features of each one.
Finished Product

From the cover page, to the illustrations, I kept a monochrome green theme to the entire brochure. The simplicity was used to ensure visitors do not get confused as they guide themselves around the town. Each location has a number that matches to that on the map. I included an address to each location as well, making the overall tour easier for visitors to complete.
Learning Outcomes
Designing for print was not much different from designing an app or website. From the research, to the final product I was pushed to think on my feet, keeping in mind the goal of having tourists guide themselves around the town of Sackville, without prior working knowledge of its layout. Due to time constraints, I was not able to complete as much testing with users as I would have liked and will ensure that in future projects I will keep it in the forefront of my mind from the very beginning.